Friday, January 23, 2015

#trashfreechallenge - 4. Friends and frenemies

A rainy day today that, by the end of the day, matched my mood. 

Sometimes meeting new people, making new friends can be hard and being resilient when you own a thin skin can be tough. People seem intent on remaining in their own bubble, unwilling to talk, connect, or go out of their way to help others unless it benefits them. And despite the fact that you're a fully grown, fully functioning adult, you begin to feel like a kid on the first day of school... or an "Art Freak" sitting with the "Mean Girls".

Today, my #trashfreechallenge is about decluttering your friendships, relationships and social circle

The 5 people of influence - the people you spend the most time with, reflect your attitude and even your financial status. So who are you spending your time with? And who do you aspire to be like (in your career, relationships, attitude, etc) That friend who brings you down rather than uplifts you - It doesn't mean you have to stop seeing him/her. But it may benefit you to spend less time together. Choose your friends wisely

Facebook and other social media is a great way to connect and keep in touch with friends and acquaintances. But there are always those few people whos picture perfect facebook lives leave you feeling like you're struggling in life more than ever? Or have you friended the acquaintance who mistakes their status update for a therapy session? (Yes, we've all been there) You don't have to unfriend them, but you can unfollow them. While it won't affect them, it may be healthier for you in the long run. 

Random strangers and nameless faces - the people we interact with everyday but don't connect with (or even know their names!) I came across this article yesterday I'd Rather One Good Friend Than 100 Sh*tty Ones Yes, it's true that your friendship group should represent quality over quantity. I pride myself on the amazing handful of true friends I'm lucky enough to have… But who says you can't make some very worthwhile connections and possibly make someone feel a little bit more significant along the way? I feel like it's all too easy to forget the power you have, the influence you have on other peoples happiness. Let's try to use it for good, not evil :) 

My challenge for the week: Connect with one stranger each day this week. 
The woman who serves you coffee each morning, the elderly lady on the bus who keeps trying to chat with everyone, the bus driver... Have a short conversation with someone (heck, have a long conversation with someone!), give a meaningful "Thank you" with a smile and eye contact, or just be more aware of the people around you. It takes very little to brighten someones day.  

What do you think? Will you try it! (As always, I'd love to hear how you go)

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