Thursday, December 4, 2014

#trashfreechallenge - The trash free challenge

I recently read this article that popped up on my newsfeed, about living a trash free lifestyle. The author Lauren, is a 23 year old woman living in New York City, and has done just that. By starting small, banning plastic bags and unnecessary food packaging, and working her way up to producing her own personal and beauty products, Lauren has lived a trash free lifestyle for the past 2 years. (check out her website hereIncredible!

image from here

Ever since I read this article I've been seeing so much waste. I'm astounded at how much of it is deliberate and so unnecessary! And it got me thinking... Could I do it? Could I go trash free?
So... I've decided to embark on a challenge

Trash free challenge #trashfreechallenge

Would you like to join me?!
I will chart my journey and hopefully some of you will come along and take the #trashfreechallenge with me! Each day we will eliminate one trash contributing item from our lives until eventually, we will be that much closer to being totally trash free, together!
I want to see your journey too! Show us your daily challenges, ingenious ideas for avoiding waste, your favourite stores that support your challenge, your empty bins and success stories by using the #trashfreechallenge
And finally... Challenge some friends to join you in becoming #trashfree.

What to do:
1. Take the #trashfreechallenge 
And let people know about it! 
Pledge your commitment to the #trashfreechallege
on facebook, twitter, instagram or other social media 
2. Challenge your friends to join you!
Tag them in your posts and get them onboard! 
3. Subscribe to this blog (at the bottom of the page)
keep updated with daily challenges to stay on track
4. Do it!

Let's make this happen!


Anonymous said...

I will try to do the challenge but it could be tricky with the baby arriving in a week. :) xo
Its a great idea though. I always mean to do things like making my own shampoo etc but im lazy so i end up just buying an organic one coz its less effort but if i just made it once, id easily know how for next time.

FrankieV said...

Amy, yes! I'm sure you will have more than enough to deal with over the next few weeks/months! :) Exciting!!!
I would suggest starting small. I find the cosmetics the hardest part to make changes to (which is why I intend on tackling that at the tail end of the challenge - And I will be sharing some recipes for the basic skincare and cleaning products when we get there too!) You could try starting with the daily challenges and just do what you can manage :) Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Ok thanks. Xo