Thursday, December 18, 2014

#trashfreechallenge - 2. Package free purchases

Challenge #2
Purchase unpackaged products - 

Sketch by the amazing Dawn Tan, via the Design Files

What's in your trash? Strange question but for a good reason, I promise. Because once we know where our trash is coming from, we can work towards minimising or eliminating it! 

Step 1. Take a picture of your trash (this is your "before" picture), write it down.

Step 2. Find an alternative.
Can you buy this without packaging? Compost the trash? Reuse or recycle the packaging? Make it yourself? You may need to do a little research and get organised with your storage and clean packaging alternatives but it will be well worth it.

Step 3. Get to it! 
Get the tools you need. Get organised. Set started.
If it feels a little too overwhelming to tackle the entire kitchen, start small. Try eliminating one packaged item each shop. It may seem insignificant but every bit counts.

- Make your own wherever possible 
- If there is something you just can't go without, buy local where possible, compost where possible and recycle any packaging if necessary.
- Find local suppliers to reduce your food miles. 
- Going trashfree with friends? Why not buy bulk together (and save money in the process)
- Grow your own fruit and vege. If you already do, why not swap with others to save.

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