Thursday, November 12, 2015

Getting up when you're feeling down

So the last few months have been really high and then very low. I've found myself waking up each day wondering what to do, how to motivate myself to get up and get going, let alone getting though my days off work when I have no distractions to keep me busy.

...So I've been trying to find some things to do daily that lifts my spirits and keep my mind occupied.

- Join the gym, set a goal, get to work.
By focussing my energy into physical outlet, it helps. And to know that I'm on the way to looking better and being stronger makes it even better. That small cost each week is totally worth how I feel when I'm done with my workout each day. (It's great if you have to escape the flatmates/kids/general boredom etc)

- Create a space (my room) that is my sanctuary
Rather than waiting for my "one day home" I've started creating my ideal living space within my current living space. Collecting retro furniture and key pieces that I've always imagined in my "one day apartment" (I'm a visual person, so this might not work for everyone. But it's about finding a space where you feel comfortable to just be - your sanctuary. It could be a cafe, a spot in the park, a walking track or your own room... Whatever makes you feel a little more zen.

- Fill my time up with friends and fun.
Although I'm an introvert to the core (I MUST have my me time without people, at least a few hours daily) I find I'm happier at the end of the day when I've done stuff and seen people. I try to schedulle catchups with people ahead of time so that when I don't feel like doing anything, I'm already committed. (And although I usually don't feel like it on the day, I'm always grateful afterwards that I did)

- Be productive
There are lots of methods to encourage productivity but my favourite is 4 before 10. I give myself 4 tasks to get done before 10am each day. Once I tick them off my To Do list, I feel like I've started the day well and I'm more motivated to get other tasks done.

- Take care of yourself
Schedule in some time for you - whatever makes you feel like you're looking after yourself. I like to go to a cafe alone and journal, book a massage or just watch a new movie and zone out for a few hours. Whatever makes you feel like you've paused for a moment.

- Get grateful and mindful.
At the end of the day, I write down these 3 things about the day
1. I'm grateful for today
2. What I did well/I'm proud of myself for today

And sometimes after all that, I still feel crap. But the point is, you try and then you keep on trying. There are good days and there are not so great days. But every step towards feeling better/happier/positive is a step closer.

What about you? What do you do to drag yourself out of a funk or lift your spirits on a low day? x

- Some constructive tips to draw focus to your direction

- This little comic about life and purpose

- And this one from Lifehack

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