Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Years Eve

As we watch the sun set on 2014, before we dive into our resolutions, goals and plans for the coming year, take a moment to reflect upon what you have achieved this year and soak up the final evening of 2014. I hope it's a sweet one. 

See you in the New Year x

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Kokedama plant ball - DIY

I recently came across this craft, kokedama at Biome, $25. So I decided to try it as my December DIY project. 

What you'll need: 
Peat moss (available from your local nursery)
String/twine (to tie up your peat moss. Fluro is a fun choice or try something more subtle such as a natural or hessian twine)
A plant (to... plant!) 

What to do:
1. Soak the peat moss in water. Once saturated, wring out the peat moss and shape into a ball.
2. Bury your plant into the centre of the peat moss ball
3. Wrap your peat moss ball with the string

Mine is a little bit wonky, but definitely passable.

The peat moss will dry out gradually (no need to water the plant for the first few weeks) and stretch into the twine. Spritz the plant as needed and water into the stem of the plant with small amounts of water very occasionally (you don't want to over water and cause the centre of the plant ball to rot) Simple!

So, what do you think? Will you try making one yourself?! (A particularly great idea for #trashfree housewarming and thank you gifts)


PS: I'd love to see your creations!

Christmas reads

The holidays are the best time to get stuck into the never-ending reading list, especially when the weather keeps you indoors. So here's my pick of must read books for the festive season. 

Anything by Sophie Kinsella. (The author of 'Confessions of a Shopaholic') Fun stories that just leave you feeling good. 

Girls Night In series. Short stories by various authors. The perfect read for a good night in!

The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin. One woman and her year long quest for the true meaning of happiness, and the many means and ways to get there

Gorgeously Green, Sophie Uliano. Learn how to DIY your way to green, in 8 simple steps. (Check out her website, tutorials and recipies. So good!)

Down to Earth, Rhonda Hetzel. A firsthand guide to simple living. (Also a lovely blog for a more personal insight into Rhonda's day to day, simple living practices)

For a #trashfree solution for all the book-a-holics out there, donate/buy your books at the Lifeline Bookfest, local charity shop, second-hand bookshop or organise a book swap with your friends or bookclub! 

What books are on your reading list these holidays? 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

#trashfreechallenge - Christmas cleanup

Some tips for a trash free Christmas clean up...

1. Recycle your gift wrapping. 
You could save it for next year (we used to do this as kids) put it in the recycle bin, or compost it! This year we used brown paper and decorated it with stamps, string, feathers and writing (instead of a card). And it's easy to compost!

2. Lay the table, traditional - ceramic plates, linen napkins, pots that can be cooked in, served in and stored in (rather than plastic wrap, prepackaged container and other waste) It looks beautiful and is totally #trashfree 

3. Decorate your tree, table and home - naturally! Instead of the typical decorations and tinsel, use plants, pinecones, greenery, flowers, glass jars and candles...  Get creative! 

3. Dish up your left overs for boxing day lunches and share with friends. And if you have any left over left overs, compost what you can.

4. Re-gift! If you don't love it, thrift it, re-gift it or donate it to a Christmas charity.

5. Give #trashfree gifts. This year we're loving these Mini pie jars (these would also be a great DIY idea), this beautiful book to encourage a simple living lifestyle, a simple gardening kit - to start their green obsession, and these gorgeous natural soaps 

Or try this!

Rather than exchanging gift with everyone in your family (especially if you have a large family) why not allocate one gift to exchange per family member. My friend Pippa and her family does this and it seems like a really lovely way to maintain the excitement of exchanging gifts without blowing the budget

Do you have any great #trashfree tips for the Christmas season?

Friday, December 26, 2014

Happy Christmas!



image from Lorna Jane

Thursday, December 18, 2014

#trashfreechallenge - 2. Package free purchases

Challenge #2
Purchase unpackaged products - 

Sketch by the amazing Dawn Tan, via the Design Files

What's in your trash? Strange question but for a good reason, I promise. Because once we know where our trash is coming from, we can work towards minimising or eliminating it! 

Step 1. Take a picture of your trash (this is your "before" picture), write it down.

Step 2. Find an alternative.
Can you buy this without packaging? Compost the trash? Reuse or recycle the packaging? Make it yourself? You may need to do a little research and get organised with your storage and clean packaging alternatives but it will be well worth it.

Step 3. Get to it! 
Get the tools you need. Get organised. Set started.
If it feels a little too overwhelming to tackle the entire kitchen, start small. Try eliminating one packaged item each shop. It may seem insignificant but every bit counts.

- Make your own wherever possible 
- If there is something you just can't go without, buy local where possible, compost where possible and recycle any packaging if necessary.
- Find local suppliers to reduce your food miles. 
- Going trashfree with friends? Why not buy bulk together (and save money in the process)
- Grow your own fruit and vege. If you already do, why not swap with others to save.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

One of those days...

image by ohaymrdth, via here

Do you ever have one of those days where you just wake up in a funk? 
Today was one of those days where all I wanted to do was build myself a quilt nest and ignore the day away. And I just couldn't shake it. What cheers you up when you're feeling grumpy? 

A good movie? My favourite Christmas movie. It never fails to leave me feeling happy. Oh, and this wine infused sorbet.

A long walk with your favourite playlist or ebook? This beautiful song has just hit my playlist.

A cafe and a book? This one is next on my reading list.

...What are your tips for a dreary day?

Sunday, December 7, 2014

#trashfreechallenge - 1. Say no to plastic

Do you shop once a week? And how many plastic bags do you use to carry your weekly shop? 4 bags or more if you're a single person, maybe 8+ per family? So 4-8 bags a week, over 52 weeks of the year... That's 200- 400 plastic bags every year!
Or you could just get yourself some sassy, stylish, reusable bags and never bother with the plastic bag ever again.

Challenge #1.
Swap plastic for canvas (or other reusable bag)

Our picks:

This beautiful, hand woven basket $54.95  from oxfam

A beautiful variety of recycled cotton canvas bags, $25.95 from here

Stylish herringbone jute tote $34.95 from biome

Light weight but strong, polyester bag by Australian company Envirosax

WASH YOUR BAGS regularly! 
Have a separate bag for meat, chicken, fish and other items.
Be smart about your shopping bag hygiene.

Want some more options, check out this post from Cool Mum Picks

Thursday, December 4, 2014

#trashfreechallenge - The trash free challenge

I recently read this article that popped up on my newsfeed, about living a trash free lifestyle. The author Lauren, is a 23 year old woman living in New York City, and has done just that. By starting small, banning plastic bags and unnecessary food packaging, and working her way up to producing her own personal and beauty products, Lauren has lived a trash free lifestyle for the past 2 years. (check out her website hereIncredible!

image from here

Ever since I read this article I've been seeing so much waste. I'm astounded at how much of it is deliberate and so unnecessary! And it got me thinking... Could I do it? Could I go trash free?
So... I've decided to embark on a challenge

Trash free challenge #trashfreechallenge

Would you like to join me?!
I will chart my journey and hopefully some of you will come along and take the #trashfreechallenge with me! Each day we will eliminate one trash contributing item from our lives until eventually, we will be that much closer to being totally trash free, together!
I want to see your journey too! Show us your daily challenges, ingenious ideas for avoiding waste, your favourite stores that support your challenge, your empty bins and success stories by using the #trashfreechallenge
And finally... Challenge some friends to join you in becoming #trashfree.

What to do:
1. Take the #trashfreechallenge 
And let people know about it! 
Pledge your commitment to the #trashfreechallege
on facebook, twitter, instagram or other social media 
2. Challenge your friends to join you!
Tag them in your posts and get them onboard! 
3. Subscribe to this blog (at the bottom of the page)
keep updated with daily challenges to stay on track
4. Do it!

Let's make this happen!